As the author of the books ‘Aftellen naar maandag’ (Counting down to Monday) and ‘Well-being = winst’ (Well-being = Profit),
my aim is to inspire you, business leaders, HR managers, team leaders and employees alike, to understand how working smarter and differently will make you happier and more productive.
‘Counting down to Monday’ is a must-read for anyone looking to give their work life a serious boost. This book will give you tips on how to start a new working week with more energy and enthusiasm. The goal of my first book was to ensure that both you and your colleagues at work and your family at home will notice your boost. Because working smarter really does make you happier!
In this book, I develop the arguments I set out in ‘Counting down to Monday’. In Wellbeing = Profit, my aim is to convince managers and business leaders that investing in well-being is not an option, but a necessity in order to be successful and future-proof as an organisation.
With a policy on well-being, stress, burn-out and ‘presenteeism’ at work are replaced with enthusiastic, resilient and dedicated employees. I present a combination of my own experience, discussions with experts and examples from different companies. My goal is to raise awareness among company managers and HR directors to opt for a proactive, well-considered and strategic well-being policy.